Friday, June 26, 2009

FINALLY... A new post!!

Whew!!! I'm finally back and ready to blog. Seriously, though, so much has happened since my last posting in March. So I'm going to do  my best to catch everyone up and then continue to create one post a week with pictures. No promises, but I will do my best!! I know you don't believe me, but oh well... With that short prologue, I will try to recount the past couple of months for the Nalleys. 

So, on March 19, we found out that Chuck had been matched to the University of South Florida for his orthopedic residency. Although we were really sad to leave all our family and friends, we were both looking forward to a new chapter of our lives. Moving to Tampa, Florida?!? Never in my wildest dreams did I ever see that coming... If you would have told me a year ago that I would be living in Tampa right now, I would have most certainly called your bluff. Nonetheless, we went to Tampa in April, picked out a house, and set a move date for somewhere around June 1. A few pics from Match Day...

On May 11, 2009, Chuck graduated from medical school. He is officially an M.D.!! I am so incredibly proud of him. Medical school was probably the biggest trial of both of our lives thus far, and I hope I never hear another person say that doctors are overpaid. Most doctors are actually underpaid, considering the long and rocky path they took to ultimately become a physician. I will get off my soapbox now. Presenting the new Dr. and Mrs. Nalley...

Fast forward a few months and we arrive at Henry's first birthday party. Even though his actual birthday was June 11, we had the party a few weeks early while we were still living in Little Rock. In my opinion, the party was a success! We didn't have any breakdowns, we opened all the gifts and even played with a few, we ate about a third of the smash cake, and the adults played bacci ball at the end!

On June 3, Henry got to experience his first plane ride. It was not quite as big of a success as the party. The combination of a baby who does not want to be held and a small confined space on a plane was not a good one. Although he didn't have any major breakdowns, we did have quite a few outbursts and our neighbors on the plane were blessed with some kicks, thrown shoes, and thrown food and drinks. It was fabulous. Enough about that... So we arrived at our new home in Tampa that day. Since then, I have been a temporary stay at home mom and Chuck has been a temporary stay at home dad. We have had so much fun!! Here are a few pictures since we have been in Tampa.

(Yes, he is calling the Hogs in the picture in the green shirt... It's his latest trick.)
However, the honeymoon is over next week, as Chuck starts work on July 1 and I start on July 6. We are both REALLY sad about it... I'm really going to miss my little buddy after being a stay-at-home mom for seven weeks.

Tootles for now and hopefully I will have another post for you very soon.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Pictures of Henry!

Okay, I promised some new Henry pictures, so here they are... I have several more, but these are all I have time to post right now! Henry still isn't "crawling" yet per se, but he is definitely very mobile. He has also discovered how to sit up and pull up in his crib, so nap time isn't going so well these days... Also, I'm not sure if you have noticed or not, but he was blessed with his mommy's wonderful "elf" ears. I'm sure he will thank me for that later in life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm a slacker

Okay, well, so much for the weekly update idea... I promise to try and do better! Life is a little hectic right now. We submitted our final rank list for residencies on February 25 and we now are just waiting patiently (or impatiently) for Match Day to approach on March 19. We get more and more nervous every day...

Now for a Henry update! Henry has begun to be mobile, although he is not yet fully mobile. He gets on his hands and knees quite frequently and wants to move sooooo bad. Yet, when he does get his arms and legs going, he ends up crawling backwards... yes, backwards. And then it makes him very mad because he doesn't want to go backwards. Oh well, he'll figure it out soon enough. He is also pulling up on everything and loves to "walk" along the couch or whatever else he may be holding on to. I think he is still a long way from walking on his own, partially because he has so much weight to carry! :) I'm not sure how much he weighs, but he has his 9 month appointment at the pediatrician next week so we will find out. His very favorite thing in the world is to eat so he is definitely not lacking in the weight department! I promise to post some new pictures and maybe even some videos very soon...

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm going to try this out...

So, I've been encouraged by several people to try out this whole blogging thing. Given that my family is going through quite an exciting time right now, I figured the least I can do is give it a shot. So here goes...

This is my first post. Henry is now 7 1/2 months old and probably the cutest baby boy I've ever seen. I promise I'm not biased or anything. Chuck is currently interviewing for medical residencies in orthopedic surgery and will graduate from medical school in May! He has interviewed at UAMS, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, University of Missouri at Kansas City, Medical College of Georgia (in Augusta), Atlanta Medical Center, University of Florida at Jacksonville, University of South Florida (in Tampa), University of Louisville, and UT Chattanooga. We will find out on March 19 where he will match and where we will potentially be moving!

If I can just maintain a one post per week record, then this will be a success... Fat chance, considering the most recent family picture I have uploaded on our computer is from Thanksgiving...

And by the way, our 5th wedding anniversary is tomorrow!! :)